In the name of full disclosure, I am not an expert on Hindi, India, or literature. The explanations you find here are the compilation of what I can find on a given term or a phrase. If you see a mistake or if you would like to contribute, please let me know by posting a comment. Thank you.

Sunday, January 4, 2009


The barbaric children from rustic Rudhia ran around yelling as if they were playing pitthu on the farm. (p. 15)

Pitthu is a popular game in Northern India. Members of two teams take turns trying to break a pyramid of 7 marble/stones (the pitthu) by throwing a tennis ball at it. When the pyramid is broken, one team members try to rebuild the pyramid while dodging the tennis ball, which members of the other team throw at them. If a player is hit by the tennis ball, he or she is out of the play. The team that rebuilds the most pitthus wins the game.


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